首页 > pc游戏攻略 > 方舟生存进化升级与技能点指南


时间:2015-06-08 | 来源:方舟生存进化吧 | 阅读:158

话题: 方舟

  This guide was created to be a semi "optimal" setup for using your engrams as a solo player, while leaving enough engram points to choose where you might want to specialize into if you were to be playing with a group of friends. (In which case you might not want clothing, but instead choose to spend all those points in metal walls etc so someone else can cover clothing. That is what makes teamwork so potent in this game!)

  In the creation of this guide, I myself chose to look at electronics and how they might be used, which left me with 141 points so I got the saddles for the rex, megalodon, sabre tooth, mammoth and pteranodon. I also wanted to start going into farming but ran out of engram points before I could even get a farm... Nevermind, maybe next time. I'll have to make do with meat and berries!

  If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be playing on a twitch sub server fortwitch.tv/tangentgaming under the name Warlock and there will always be members of the community about that will be willing to help with whatever questions you may have. Please bear in mind that we are still in the early stages of gameplay on this server with the highest player being about level 30, so we will not have too many detailed answeres on endgame things such as Electronics and such just yet. :)


Item Table物品表 Item Engram Points花费技能点数
Campfire营火 3
Stone Hatchet石斧 3
Spear石矛 3
Cloth Pants纤维裤子 3
Cloth Shirt纤维衣服 3
Thatch Foundation柴禾地基 3
Thatch Doorframe柴禾门框 3
Waterskin水袋 6
Cloth Gloves纤维手套 3
Cloth Boots纤维靴子 3
Cloth Hat纤维帽子 3
Hide Sleeping Bag皮睡袋 3
Thatch Rood柴禾棚顶? 3
Thatch Wall柴禾墙 3
Thatch Door柴禾门 3
Slingshot弹弓 6
Storage Box储物箱 6
Simple Bed简易床 8
Mortar and Pestle捣药罐和杵 6
Sparkpowder火花粉 3
Narcotic麻醉药 6
Wooden Foundation木制地基 9
Wooden Wall木制墙 9
Gunpowder火药 3
Flare Gun信号枪 6
Spyglass望远镜 6
Wooden Cieling木制棚顶 6
Wooden Doorframe木制门框 6
Wooden Door木制门 6
Wooden Ramp木制斜坡 3
Hide Pants皮裤 9
Hide Shirt皮衣 6
Bow弓 12
Stone Arrow石箭 3
Large Storage Box大储物箱 9
Wooden Fence Foundation木制篱笆地基 6
Wooden Pillar木制柱子 9
Wooden Hatchframe木制大门框 9
Wooden Ladder木制梯子 6
Hide Gloves皮手套 9
Hide Boots皮靴 9
Hide Hat皮帽 12
Tranq Arrow麻醉箭 15
Refining Forge熔炉 21
Dinosaur Gateway?? 9
Dinosaur Gate?? 6
Wooden Catwalk木制?? 12
Wooden Trapdoor木制陷门 9
Wooden Windowframe木制窗框 12
Smithy铁匠铺 16
Metal Pick金属镐 12
Metal Hatchet金属斧 12
Pike金属长矛 18
Cementing Paste水泥? 3
Wooden Window木制窗户 12
Chitin Leggings板甲腿 15
Chitin Chestplate板甲胸 18
Chitin Helmet板甲头 18
Scope Attachment望远镜部件 13
Chitin Gauntlets板甲护手 15
Chitin Boots板甲鞋 15
Longneck Rifle长来福枪 18
Simple Rifle Ammo简易来福子弹 6
Fabricator制作间 24
Silencer Attachment消音器 13
Polymer聚合物 6
Electronics数码部件 6
Flak Leggings防弹护腿 15
Flak Chestplate防弹胸甲 18
Flashlight Attachment枪用照明附件 18
Flak Boots防弹靴 16
Flak Gauntlets防弹护手 16
Flak Helmet防弹头盔 20
Assault Rifle冲锋枪 24
Advanced Rifle Bullet高级冲锋枪子弹 8
Laser Attachment激光瞄准部件 24
Holo-Scope全息瞄准? 24
Rocket Launcher火箭发射器 32
快吧游戏V3.0.3.6190 简体中文官方安装版



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