首页 > pc游戏攻略 > 《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》全支线任务一览


时间:2017-04-09 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:129

话题: 塞尔达传说荒野之息

  42.The Secret Club’s Secret:Gerudo Town - Greta,服装店后门,可购买新服装

  43.Tools of the Trade:Gerudo Town - Isha,珠宝店开启任务

  44.The Forgotten Sword:Gerudo Desert - Bozai,支线40后续任务,仍须女装

  45.Missing in Action:Gerudo Canyon Stable - Sesami,Gerudo Town东北马厩

  46.Rushroom Rush!:Gerudo Canyon Stable - Pirou

  47.Good-Sized Horse:Gerudo Canyon - Zyle,Gerudo Canyon Stable东北,路边

  48.An Ice Guy:Kara Kara Bazaar - Guy,Gerudo Town东北绿洲

  49.A Freezing Rod:Great Hyrule Forest,Kula,Korok森林

  50.The Korok Trials:Great Hyrule Forest,Chio,Korok森林,解锁三个神庙

  51.Riddles of Hyrule:Great Hyrule Forest - Walton, 大树顶部

  52.Legendary Rabbit Trial:Great Hyrule Forest - Peeks

  53.Special Delivery:Bank of Wishes - Finley, Zora's domain西南岸边

  54.Lynel Safari:Zora's Domain - Laflat, 完成Zora's domain主线后解锁,奖励Zora腿甲

  55.The Giant of Ralis Pond:Zora's domain - Torfeau

  56.Frog Catching:Zora's domain - Tumbo

  57.Zora Stone Monuments:Zora's domain - Jiahto

  58.Diving is Beauty!:Zora's domain - Tumbo

  59.Luminous Stone Gathering:Zora's domain - Ledo

  60.A Wife Washed Away:Zora's domain - Fronk

  61.A Gift from the Monks:Ancient Shrine - Monk,全神庙完成后自动触发

  62.The Hero’s Cache:Kitano Bay - Kass,Hateno Village南边海岸

  63.Misko, the Great Bandit:Dueling Peaks Stable - Domidak,双子峰东边马厩

  64.Wild Horses:Dueling Peaks Stable - Rensa








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