根据SteamCN用户爆料,负责为Steam上各种信息制作本地化翻译的Steam Translation Server上出现了一些新内容。
新内容大致是Valve准备在5月底举办名为“春季扫除(Spring Cleaning Event)”的活动,为期4天左右,旨在让玩家们为自己游戏库中买来没玩的、很久没玩过的游戏扫扫灰,而完成活动中的任务还可能会有勋章奖励。
Complete the tasks below by playing games during the Spring Cleaning Event to earn rewards.
Dust off that library of games and uncovers something new, during the Steam Spring Cleaning Event!在Steam的春季扫除活动中,玩一下游戏库中未发现和尘封的游戏们
Revisit your library and earn these trophies through May 28th at 10 am PST.在北京时间5月29号凌晨1点前,再次访问你的游戏库并且(通过玩来)挣得这些奖杯
Play a game you've played more than 2 hours of, but have not played in a while
#SpringCleaning_TrustedFriendDescPlay a game recommended by a friend.
Play a game you purchased within the last 6 months.玩一个过去6个月内购买的游戏
#SpringCleaning_TrustedAdvisorDescPlay a game that has a curator you follow has has recommended.
Play a game that you've spent less than an hour playing.玩一个之前你只玩了一个小时不到的游戏
Play the first game you added to your Steam account
玩Steam帐号中第一个被加入/获得的游戏(登录Steam商店后可参考账户明细的第一行)steampy 交易平台 2.34.1 37.78 MB
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