I love The Expanse series, and one of the really impressive things about the books is how consis
I love The Expanse series, and one of the really impressive things about the books is how consistent they are.
其中,在书籍的质量上表现出相当的稳定性,迄今为止我已经阅读了五本书,都颇具水准。此外,书籍还在其他方面表现出一致性。除了一本外,其余书籍均在500页左右。封面或背面几乎都会有乔治·R·R·马丁(George R.R. Martin)的推荐语。此外,它们都有来自丹尼尔·多修(Daniel Dociu)的富有感染力的艺术作品。
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